Continuing Education Opportunities

LBVM-Approved Activities | RACE-Approved ActivitiesCertificate Requirements | Requesting LBVM Approval | Reporting CE Activity


CE Activities Pre-Approved by LBVM

This is not an all-inclusive list of CE activities accepted and approved by the Board. The Board can only list below those CE activities for which pre-approval was requested by sponsors or presenters. There are numerous state, regional, and national conferences and other CE opportunities that have been approved in the past and may be acceptable by the Board in the future; however, only those for which pre-approval was specifically requested by sponsors or presenters can be listed below. Pre-approval requests from sponsors/presenters must be submitted annually even if the subject matter remains the same from year to year.

Click the “Details” button for more information on each CE activity below. The table below can be filtered by a date range, activity title, approved license type, or a combination of each. Contact information is given in the activity details for more information or to sign up for the activity. The table of LBVM-Approved CE is updated every 1-2 business days.

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CE Opportunities Available Through AAVSB’s RACE Program

A list of RACE-approved programs can be found at Per Rule 403 in the LA Veterinary Practice Act, CE programs through AAVSB (which are the RACE programs) are approved for CE hours and do not further approval of the LBVM. Note: Nearly all RACE-approved programs are only for DVMs and/or RVTs. CAETs cannot receive credit for DVM-/RVT-specific continuing education activity.

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Proof of Attendance for Continuing Education Programs

Proof of attendance (i.e. – certificates of completion) MUST include all of the following details as required by Louisiana Administrative Code LAC 46:LXXXV (i.e. – Board Rules enforceable as law): 

1. Licensee’s First & Last Name,
2. Title of the Activity,
3. Name of Sponsor,
4. Specific Date of Attendance/Completion,
5. Total Hours Earned, and
6. Delivery Method.

If any of this information is not included on the Proof of Attendance, the CE activity cannot be accepted.

Certificates of Completion from conference attendance MUST include the total number of hours a licensee earned from attendance. Payment or Registration Confirmation is NOT acceptable as Proof of Attendance.

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Want to get a Continuing Education program approved by the Board?

The lists above show all CE programs pre-approved by the Board. These lists are not all-inclusive and only contain those programs for which approval by the Board has been sought. For CE programs not included in the lists, pre-approval is required 14 days prior to the seminar/presentation/meeting.

Per the LA Veterinary Practice Act, rule §400 (page 36), a continuing veterinary education program accepted by another state’s regulatory board of veterinary medicine, a governmental entity, and/or AAVSB (which includes RACE programs), as well as those programs sponsored by AVMA accredited schools of veterinary medicine and/or any professional associations recognized by the board, shall be accepted as units or hours of continuing education; however, all other programs and/or their participants, including in-house programs, shall be required to obtain pre-approval from the board in accordance with LAC 46:LXXXV.409.A.3 and 4, respectively.


If you are unsure whether or not a CE program is accepted by the Board and/or to have continuing education programs reviewed by the Board, please submit a CE Approval Request to the Board by clicking the link below.

Go to CE Approval Request Form

In light of the many changes in CE presentation (format, i.e., online, and subject matter, i.e. holistic/alternative, etc.), LBVM has made concerted efforts to comply with the statutes/rules and review presentation/seminar/courses for valid credits for its licensees. Note: A Continuing Education Program is approved by the LBVM for educational purposes only. As such, please be advised that any Continuing Education program approved by the LBVM (or per its Rules) does not mean the LBVM endorses the subject matter and/or that its application is lawful in the actual practice of veterinary medicine in Louisiana. It is incumbent upon you to confirm any subject matter presented in a CE program may be legally applied in your practice prior to its implementation.

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Record & Track Your Continuing Education with the LBVM License Portal

Continuing Education activity can be recorded throughout the year in real time! After you attend a presentation for CE, simply log into the LBVM License Portal, go to “Continuing Education”, select the current CE Period, enter in the CE activity details, and upload the certificate of completion. All of the CE activity entered throughout the year will promulgate into the renewal once you start it.  With each new renewal cycle, you will have access to all past CE activity through the LBVM License Portal.

View of CE Activity

To enter in your continuing education activity, log into the LBVM License Portal and click the “Continuing Education” link in the left-hand menu, then click the “View” link for the appropriate CE period. To add CE programs that you’ve attended, just click on the “+ Add New” button and enter the following required information:

-> Delivery Method,
-> Title of Presentation/Seminar,
-> Organization/Sponsor,
-> Start Date (only applicable if CE activity was multiple days),
-> Date of Completion,
-> Number of Credits, and
-> Brief Description of CE Activity

You must then upload the certificate of completion for the CE activity by clicking on the “Choose File” button. Click the “Save>” button, then repeat the above step to enter more CE activity.

For large conferences with multiple presentations, enter the conference details in the above fields, then upload either a scanned copy of the record of personal participation sheet from the conference or the LBVM’s Record for Personal Participation Form IN ADDITION TO the certificate of completion.

For continuing education programs that consist of more than one presentation and the sponsor of the program does not provide a record of personal participation sheet for attendees, you should use the Record for Personal Participation Form.

IMPORTANT – All CE activity must be entered in the Continuing Education section PRIOR to starting your renewal process!

If you start your renewal without entering in your CE activity, you will have to back out of the renewal, then enter the CE activity, then continue with the renewal process.

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