The LBVM office is closed on Monday, January 20th, for the MLK Holiday. Additionally, the Louisiana Governor’s Office has issued a statewide closure of all state offices on Tuesday, January 21st, to Thursday, January 23rd, due to the inclement weather. We anticipate offices hours will resume on Friday, January 24th.
News from the Board
Portal Downtime Starting Feb. 24th for License & Application Portals
The LBVM License and Application Portals will be undergoing a software system upgrade starting on Monday, February 24th, 2025. Both portals are expected to be unavailable for 3 to 4 weeks. Therefore, please expect significant delays in the processing time for...
New Searchable Database of LBVM-Approved Continuing Education Activity Now Available
The Board is excited to announce a newly designed, dynamic, Searchable Database of Continuing Education Activity pre-approved by the LBVM. We have also added a new feature which allows sponsors to include a document (i.e.– a flyer or itinerary/schedule, etc) for the...
NAVLE Transitions to Three Testing Windows
Starting with the 2025-2026 testing cycle, the NAVLE will transition to three testing windows. This change provides greater accessibility for the increasing number of candidates, allows for quicker turnaround times for those who do not pass or who miss application...
Temporary Permits Are Not Issued
The Louisiana Veterinary Practice Act forbids the “practice of veterinary medicine” in Louisiana by anyone who “is not a licensed veterinarian or the holder of a valid temporary permit issued by the board”. La. R.S. 37:1514. The Practice Act allows the board to use...
Practicing with an Expired License is a Practice Act Violation
DVM licenses, RVT certificates and CAET certificates issued prior to May 1st, 2024 but not fully renewed – with all Continuing Education hours completed and submitted along with all proper documentation and required fees paid in full – before September 30th at 11:59pm...
What is Allowable for Graduates Who Have Not Passed NAVLE
The Board has received several inquiries regarding what are the allowable duties for a DVM graduate who has not yet passed the NAVLE. The Louisiana Veterinary Practice Act prohibits “the practice of veterinary medicine” in Louisiana as broadly defined in the Practice...
NAVLE Eligibility – What is Required for DVM Students to Sit for NAVLE?
Applicants for NAVLE testing should visit the ICVA’s website. To be approved to take the NAVLE, one must apply to ICVA directly at Starting May 1st, 2024, NAVLE candidates need only to apply online with ICVA at to sit for the...
ICVA Makes NAVLE Policy Changes
Changes in ICVA policy are being undertaken by the NAVLE program to streamline and improve processes for licensing agencies and examinees. These changes include: Fees have been updated for the November-December 2024 and April 2025 testing windows. The NAVLE...
CAET Training Scheduled for September 6, 2024 in Alexandria, LA
The LBVM is pleased to announce that a certification course for CAETs has been scheduled for September 6, 2024 in Alexandria, LA. Only persons who have completed this course and passed the examinations can be fully certified as a CAET (Certified Animal Euthanasia...
DVMs Exempt From New DEA Education Requirement
A new opioid-related training requirement for DEA-registered practitioners does not apply to veterinarians, despite appearing as a required checkbox on the DEA’s online registration application, according to U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)...
Online State Board Exam Now Available!
UPDATE (2023-12-20): The Board is happy to announce that a new online testing vendor has been secured and the LA state jurisprudence examination can now be taken either in-person OR online! If you are currently signed up to take the exam in-person in one of the...
Letters of Reference Repealed Effective July 1, 2024
All applications submitted prior to July 1, 2024 must still submit letters of reference to complete the application package. However, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, R.S. 49:953 et seq., LAC 46:LXXXV. Sections 301, 801, and 1201 in Chapters 3, 8...
Call for Board Member Nominations
The Board announces that nominations for the position of Board Member will be taken by the Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association (LVMA) at the annual winter meeting to be held on January 26-28, 2024. Interested persons should submit the names of nominees directly...
Notice of Expired Licenses in LA
The Board has published a listing of all expired licensees for whom the last-known mailing address and/or place of employment is listed in Louisiana. In accordance with Rule 305 of the LA Veterinary Practice Act, notifications of license expiration have been sent to...
Interruption in Online State Board Exam Availability
UPDATE (2023-11-29): The AAVSB - through which the LBVM offers the online state board exam - has announced a contract has been finalized with a new online testing vendor. The goal is to compete the transition by mid-December, with online testing available again by...
New Board Member Appointments, Officer Elections, & New Office Staff
The Board will miss its two departing members, Dr. Alfred Stevens and Dr. Joseph Bondurant, Jr., whose terms with the Board expired on August 10, 2023. As past Board Presidents, both Drs. Stevens and Bondurant continued to advance the Board forward with some pivotal...
’23-’24 CE Period is Now Open!
Licensees can start entering continuing education activity completed from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 into the '23-'24 CE Period for the next summer's renewal cycle (which opens on July 1, 2024)! Online CE is limited to a maximum of 50% of the total required CE...
Online CE Limits in Effect
The Emergency Rules enacted during COVID expired in the Spring '22 and starting July 1, 2022, the Board reverted back to its regular rules related to continuing education hours. In so doing, a maximum of 50% of the required CE hours may be obtained online - which...
Countdown to ’23-’24 License Renewals
The '23-'24 Renewal Cycle opens on July 1, 2023! All licenses and certificates issued for DVMs, RVTs, CAETs, and REDs expire annually on September 30th. Any license or certificate not properly renewed – with all Continuing Education hours completed and submitted along...
Attend Board Meetings & Earn Continuing Education Hours
At its April 6, 2023 meeting, the Board voted to approve CE hours for any licensee who attends LBVM board meetings! A maximum of three (3) CE hours can be earned from each meeting attendance, and the licensee must be present for at least three hours to earn all three...