The LBVM office is closed on Monday, January 20th, for the MLK Holiday. Additionally, the Louisiana Governor’s Office has issued a statewide closure of all state offices on Tuesday, January 21st, to Thursday, January 23rd, due to the inclement weather. We anticipate offices hours will resume on Friday, January 24th.
Sexual Harassment Policies & Procedures
Employees of the State of Louisiana deserve to be treated with respect and dignity and to work in a professional environment free of harassment and discrimination. The Louisiana Board of Veterinary Medicine (LBVM) is committed to providing its employees with a work environment free from inappropriate and offensive behavior of a sexual nature. Prevention and elimination of sexually inappropriate behavior require the personal involvement and commitment of every LBVM employee. Unless and until management is apprised of its occurrence, corrective action to address such behavior cannot be taken. Through this policy and related training requirements, the LBVM seeks to reinforce its intolerance of sexually inappropriate behavior and encourages employees who experience, observe, or are informed of such behavior to promptly initiate the reporting process set forth in the Sexual Harassment Policy of the LA Department of Agriculture and Forestry.