ICVA Makes NAVLE Policy Changes

Changes in ICVA policy are being undertaken by the NAVLE program to streamline and improve processes for licensing agencies and examinees. These changes include: Fees have been updated for the November-December 2024 and April 2025 testing windows. The NAVLE...

DVMs Exempt From New DEA Education Requirement

A new opioid-related training requirement for DEA-registered practitioners does not apply to veterinarians, despite appearing as a required checkbox on the DEA’s online registration application, according to U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)...

When Am I Obliged to Provide a Prescription?

The Board intermittently receives queries from the practice inquiring about the obligation under the Board Rules or Ethical Principles to provide a prescription to a client. Often the veterinarian has questions concerning the source of the medication—from experience...