The LBVM office is closed on Monday, January 20th, for the MLK Holiday. Additionally, the Louisiana Governor’s Office has issued a statewide closure of all state offices on Tuesday, January 21st, to Thursday, January 23rd, due to the inclement weather. We anticipate offices hours will resume on Friday, January 24th.
Sign Up to Earn CE for Board Meeting Attendance
Complete the short form below to sign up to receive continuing education hours by attending an upcoming LBVM board meeting. A maximum of three (3) CE hours can be earned from each meeting attendance. The licensee must be present for at least three hours to earn all three CE credits for that particular meeting attendance. A maximum of six (6) CE hours can be earned for each CE period from board meeting attendance. After each Board meeting, attendees will be emailed a CE Reporting Form.
(If the Board Meeting Sign-up Form does not load on this page below, you can access it directly at https://www.powr.io/form-builder/i/37844372#page.)